DIY: Yellow Immune Booster Tea.My anti-COVID Tea.


It’s when we are opportune to be alive that we do exploit and perform wonders in accordance to your capacity. I shall be introducing to you 2 kinds of Teas that I called YELLOW IMMUNITY TEA and GREEN TROPICAL TEA.

These are the types of teas I take and have been greatly helpful to my health system. But in this release, we shall be making YELLOW IMMUNITY TEA.

The GREEN TROPICAL TEA Video will be released soon, just subscribe to this BLOG and our YOUTUBE CHANNEL, you will be duly informed when it’s released.

This is a DIY (Do It Yourself) Tea that will greatly fight against symptoms related to Covid-19 in your body by Boosting your immunity maximally.

NOTE: All these Fruits and Roots used for this tea are to be washed with salt water one after the other
The lemon and the Lime that has patches on them have to be scrapped off, we are gonna use the peels.

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And not just that, this put up a fight against so many ill symptoms in the body.
Fortunately, All the ingredients used in making these types of Teas are within our reach but we have been ignorant of them.

Find the Complete Benefits and the DONT(S) of the Tea Below👇👇👇👇👇👇👇


These Are The Complete Health Benefits Of The Yellow Immunity Tea (YIT)

  • This will improve the Heart’s Health.
  • Protects against Alzheimer’s disease.
  • This will improve digestion.
  • Eliminates Excess mucus from the respiratory tract.
  • Eliminates Menstrual cramps.
  • Cleans the circulatory system from toxins and fat buildup.
  • Capable of controlling Hypertension.
  • Helps reverse early Diabetes symptoms.
  • It’s natural Antibiotics.
  • Prevents early Morning sickness for pregnant women.
  • Helps to improve respiration.
  • It increases the Sex drive.


Yellow Immunity Tea

If you need this Tea and can’t go through this processes, Pls click that CHAT BOX below and talk to us, we will do it for you.

Disclaimer: This is not any government assigned drug Against Covid-19, neither is it a claimed vaccine. These are just some drinks that work for me and many other people and work against all manner of sickness symptoms by Immunizing the body.

NOTE : If you are an Ulcer patient, do not use this on empty stomach.

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