177 Wrestling Prayers To Possess The Gate Of 10/10/2020

Beloved wake up and possess!!! it’s time for Christians to wake up from what l call “Satanic Slumber” Unless we storm the camp of the enemy and plunder his gates and bring him to submission, it will be impossible to enjoy all our benefits.

If we do not become spiritually violent, the sons of the disobedience will take over our benefits. If you had thoroughly read the bible, you will find out that gates are made for cities to connote.

ALSO READ:- Teach your child the way to go when young, (Sexualities)…Part 2

As days are full of evils, so are some unique days such as 10/10/20. There is a need to posses the gates of these kind of days spiritually hence, the reason behind the following program.

Below is the night Vigil program that lasted for an hour and a half, from 11pm 9/10/20 to 12:30am 10/10/20.

ALSO READ:-280 Life changing Prayers to possess the gates of 9/9/2020.

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Richard S.B
Richard S.Bhttps://mygossipshop.com
A general Peace Enthusiast. A digital Marketer and Tennis lover.

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