Your heart 💓 is going bad with the following symptoms


Your Heart Is In Danger if your Body Will Give You These 10 Signs
When you see any of these signs, one should act fast so as to save your life.

Here are some of the signs you will notice:

(1) Dizziness.
Dizziness can be a sign of a problem with your blood flow. Your brain needs a steady supply of oxygen-rich blood. Hence, you will become lightheaded and can even faint. These are caused by low blood flow to the brain include clogged arteries, blood clots, irregular heartbeat, and heart failure.

(2) Body Fatigue.
Caused by the temporary diminution of the irritability or functioning of organs, tissues, or cells after excessive stimulation or exertion.

(3) Prolonged and Infected Cough.
A lot of conditions can cause a continuous or lingering cough, but the major causes are 4: Asthma, (GERD)Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, postnasal drip, and chronic bronchitis. These can lead to heart challenges.

(4) Discomfort In The Chest region.
When you notice discomfort in the chest region, then know that there already is a problem. Inflammation of the muscles and tendons around the ribs can result in persistent chest pain, muscle strain is also a sign of ill health of the heart.

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(5) Stomach Pain cum Nausea
These can include overheating, intestinal infections, stress and anxiety, and chronic gastrointestinal disorders. Stomach pain and nausea, they are usually for the short term and get better on their own. But if persisted, it can be a cause of heart problems.

Other Are:-

(6) Severe or mild Pain That Starts From the Chest And Radiates To The Arm, is also a sign of the heart being in danger.
(7) Pain In your Throat or your Jaw.
Pain on one side or both sides of your throat after swallowing could be the result of nerve pain caused by glossopharyngeal neuralgia. This condition occurs on one side in the ears, tonsil, back of the tongue, or in the jaw. This is a rare condition but can cause attacks of sudden and severe pain.

(8) Palpitating Heart.
Most often than non, these are caused by stress and anxiety, or because you’ve had too much caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol. They can also happen when you’re pregnant. In rare cases, palpitations can be a sign of a more serious heart condition. So, if you observed heart palpitations, see your doctor.

(9) Sleep Snoring.
Snoring can be caused by different factors, such as allergies, alcohol consumption, Big Bodyweight, Sleeping position, and a cold. When you doze off and progress from a night of light sleep to deep sleep, the muscles in the roof of your mouth (soft palate), tongue and throat relax.

(10) Excessive Sweating.
Diabetes can result in nerve damage. for some people, the nerves that control sweat glands are always “switched on.” This can result in excessive sweating, known as hyperhidrosis, and in turn, endangers the heart.

(11) Swollen Legs, Feet, And Ankles.
Depending on the cause, swelling can indicate a problem such as heart, liver, or kidney disease. Ankles that swell in the evening could also be a sign of retained salt and water because of right-sided heart failure. Gravity causes fluid to accumulate more in the feet and ankles, but fluid can also accumulate in the abdomen and chest.

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