Girl kills her mother with hot water over arguments on detergent

An 18-year-old girl, Winifred Ngutesen Ingyaji, from Ute-Tse-Kpun, Vandeikya Local Government Area of Benue State, bathed her mother, Mrs. Mbachirin Ashiekaa to death with hot water.

The suspect also injured her sister-in-law, Mrs. Jennifer Betsee, who is currently receiving treatment at Bishop Murray Hospital Makurdi.

A few weeks ago, a similar incident occurred in Makurdi when a 17-year-old girl, identified as Esther Alex, from Ado LGA of the state, set ablaze her boyfriend, Chidinma Omah, alleging that he was abandoning her to marry another girl.

The Guardian gathered that the incident started as a minor altercation between Winifred and her brother’s wife, Jennifer. An eyewitness who pleaded anonymity said she was there when the quarrel started but did not anticipate that it would degenerate to such a level.

According to the eyewitness, “Jennifer bought a detergent but never knew that Winifred had already used it.

“When she wanted to use the detergent, she discovered that her mother had already taken it. She was not happy about it.

“As the altercation continued, Jennifer angrily queried Winifred for using her detergent without permission. But Winifred said she used it to wash the kettles in the house.

“As the quarrel ensued, Winifred said, “to hell with Jennifer.” But Jennifer became more furious and gave it back to Winifred, reacted and took the water Jennifer was boiling to bath her and her little baby.”

However, Winifred’s mother, Mrs. Mbachirin, met her death when she attempted to stop her daughter from pouring more hot water on Jennifer.  The water was said to have mistakenly poured on her. She died on their way to Bishop Murray Hospital, Makurdi.

Confirming the incident, an elder brother of the deceased, Ate Akuva, said he was in the village when he received a phone call around 4:30 pm that his sister, Mbachirin was dead.

The body of the deceased has been deposited at the mortuary in Bishop Murray Hospital, Makurdi. Winifred has been arrested by operatives of the ‘D” Division of Benue State Police Command, while her injured sister-in-law, Jennifer was receiving medical treatment at the same hospital.

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Richard S.B
Richard S.B
A general Peace Enthusiast. A digital Marketer and Tennis lover.

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