Triplet Brothers Engages Triplet Sisters in Enugu


It was a wonderful wedding ceremony in the city of Ngwo,Enugu state has a set of triplets got married to another.

The Holy Matrimony of this set of triplets happened over the weekend.

Its been rare to have a set of triplets to marrying one another on the same day.

However, this action recently took place in holy matrimony in Enugu State.

The triplet brother names are identified as Kenechukwu, Chinedu, and Chukwuebuka.

While the triplet sisters who they got married to are Okwuoma, Dumalu, and Chinwe.

Even amid covid-19 pandemic, the occasion was witnessed by intimate family and friends.

The brides who are not so identical, all rocked white ball gowns, while the grooms all rocked navy blue suits and bow ties.

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