Four men allegedly rape 13-year-old girl in Kaduna

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The Ministry of Human Services and Social Development, in Kaduna, has started examination concerning an assault claim against four men. It was claimed that the four Kaduna men, sedated and alternated in assaulting a 13-year-old girl.

The young lady, who was found in a left vehicle, is as of now accepting treatment in an emergency clinic. It was found out that the four men sedated the young lady and in the wake of utilizing her, dumped her in a left vehicle outside their home.

The Ministry of Human Services and Social Development by means of its confirmed twitter handle, promised to examine the matter.

“The four attackers and one associate have since been caught and the case has moved to the State Criminal Investigative Department of the Police for additional examination,” they said. “After examination, the speculates will be charged to court of able purview,” they said. “While the continuous discussion on #SayNoToRapists proceeds, in the express, the massive professionals have not given indications of easing back down,” they said.


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